SDS 2021

VIII Simpósio de Design Sustentável + Sustainable Design Symposium — SDS2021.SDS 2021

Lançamento de chamada: 12/04

Submissão do artigo completo: 28/06

Resultado da avaliação: 26/07

Submissão da versão final do artigo: 23/08

Resultado final do processo de avaliação: 06/09

Submissão do vídeo-apresentação + infográfico: 20/09

Realização do evento: 1, 2 e 3 de dezembro


Carta Universitária Rio 2014 propõe ações estratégicas para as universidades ibero-americanas

“O 3º Encontro Internacional de Reitores Universia, realizado nos dias 28 e 29/7, no Riocentro, Barra da Tijuca, terminou com a publicação de uma carta de intenções dos participantes do evento. Durante o discurso de encerramento na terça-feira, 29/7, o presidente da rede Universia, Emílio Botín, informou que os debates realizados antes e durante o evento deram origem à Carta Universitária Rio 2014. ”


ERSCP-EMSU 2013, 4-7 June 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract deadline 6 February

Enviado pelo Prof. Aguinaldo dos Santos (Rede Brasil de Design Sustentável), por email

Dear participant in one of the SCORE! events,

In 2013, the main European conference on Sustainable Consumption and Production will be held in Istanbul, Turkey! For this occasion the ERSCP (European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production) will be combined with the EMSU (Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities). Past experience shows participant numbers are typically 300 to 400 people or more. A perfect venue to showcase your work, or present spin-off of major national and EU projects and –initiatives. Key points (see flyer below):

–        Website:

–        Conference dates: Tue 4 (late afternoon) to Fri 7 June 2013 (inclusive)

–        Organiser: Boğaziçi University, Istanbul

–        Abstract deadline (for papers, or dedicated session proposals): 6 February, see:

The conference will see two special features highly relevant for those interested in networking on SCP:

–        The conference will be used to launch the European Society for the ERSCP and organize the inaugural general assembly for the ERSCP Society. In consultation with previous ERSCP organisers and the PREPARE network ( ) it was decided to have future ERSCP’s organized in the context of a formal scientific society on SCP. The society was legally established in Fall 2012 and we are now busy getting a website operational, formalizing membership, and working towards the first formally elected board. The Istanbul conference will be the first milestone for this first formal society on SCP in Europe.

–        The SCORAI-Europe Network (see specific information below) will organize a dedicated workshop on Sustainable consumption back to back to the ERSCP on 4 June. Abstract submission deadline is 15 February; submit to:

Also on behalf of the Conference Chair, Assoc. Prof. Nilgün Cılız of Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, we hope to welcome you in Istanbul this Summer!

Prof.  Arnold Tukker, dr. Jaco Quist, dr. Renée Wever,

TNO / TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands

Ad interim Board of the ERSCP society